
An area enclosed by the Long Barn, Y Bwthyn Bach, the old tractor shed and pig sties, this is the old farmyard, open to the east and the morning sun. Gardening here has been straight onto rock, with no initial top soil, and is now home to plants that like good drainage!

Seasonal changes are dramatic. From a view straight across in the winter and spring to tall growth hiding the seating area completely in the summer and autumn.

Rosa Mme. Alfred Carriere and Clematis wilsonii

Rosa Mme. Alfred Carriere and Clematis wilsonii

Thick with massive brambles, rubble and broken asbestos, it took a while to clear this space. Paths were predicated on the door of the Cottage and the Library with a broader sweep in front of the Long Barn. The most obvious seasonal changes here are from a mass of tulips, in the ground, in pots and tubs, in the spring, to exotic and tender Aeoniums, Aloes, Cannas and annuals such as Ricinus complementing the very tall growth of Dahlia imperialis in the summer.

Silver and brown

Silver and brown

Fennel Giant Fennel, Ferula communis

Fennel Giant Fennel, Ferula communis

When you have sat awhile and enjoyed the plantings from different viewpoints and angles, then there are choices to be made. Saunter out past the Camellias, find the Fernery tucked between the tractor shed and Y Bwthyn, emerge past the Long Barn down Victory Parade or descend into the Bog Garden.

Bennet Smith

Bennet Smith (Bog Garden in early winter)

Canna, Polystichum and Colocasia esculenta

Canna, Polystichum and Colocasia esculenta

Woodshed Clare Takacs

Woodshed Clare Takacs

Towards Long Barn. Clare Takacs

Towards Long Barn. Clare Takacs

Charles Hawes

Charles Hawes

Charles Hawes

Charles Hawes

Charles Hawes

Charles Hawes

Bennet Smith

Bennet Smith

Bennet Smith

Bennet Smith

Bennet Smith

Bennet Smith

Bennet Smith

Bennet Smith

Bennet Smith

Bennet Smith

Snow Scene

Snow Scene

Miscanthus sinensis Gracillimus

Miscanthus sinensis Gracillimus

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