Plants For Sale

We have a small plant sales area as an adjunct to the garden with a selection of plants available at different times in the season and hope you will find something of interest here. Quantities are sometimes small and availability varies throughout the year. We do not offer mail order.

To make a card payment for plants purchased in the garden, click here.

Christina & David by Jacki Sime

House by Charles Hawes

Bennet Smith

Bennet Smith

Visit the Garden

Open 12 - 5pm - Sunday to Friday

April to October

Closed on Saturdays (except for bank holiday weekends)

Visitor Information

The Library is open to visitors

Tea, coffee & hot chocolate available

Visitor toilets

FREE parking

Picnics welcome

Lots of seats around the garden

Well-behaved dogs on short leads are welcome in the garden


Adults £10

Children (under 16) FREE

Season Ticket £29

Help us Grow

Help us to grow Dyffryn Fernant by making a donation.

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We rely on visitors and donations to support our work and keep the garden blooming for all to enjoy. Please support us by making a donation with your tickets.
